Zesty Lime Smoothy Recipe

Summer may be almost over, but its still smokin’ hot here in Austin, TX so I’m taking in my favorite summer flavors for as long as I can.  Mint and lime have occupied my palette for the past few months and this summer smoothie has been one of my favorite treats.  Made with avocado, Vital Protein Beauty Greens, coconut water, fresh lime juice and mint leaves, it’s subtlety sweet with a nice burst of flavor from the lime and mint.

Avocados supply heart healthy fats , a sense of satiety and make this smoothie thick and creamy. They also contain more potassium than bananas, can lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels, are full of gut healthy fibers and are great for your skin.

Vital Proteins Beauty Greens (find it here) supplies tons of nutrients and gives this drink its gorgeous shade of green.  There’s a reason these are called Beauty Greens. They  pack in powerful anti-oxidants, collagen protein and hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid helps the skin hold onto water which makes the outer layer look and feel softer, smoother, and appear plumper.  And collagen protein is easily absorbed by the body and helps strengthen the collagen in our skin, bones and  joints. 

Mint is a powerful digestive aid and can help with indigestion and inflammation. 

Lime is one of my favorite fruits and adds a great zesty kick of flavor. Limes, and other citrus fruits, contain limonoids, which can help counteract the negative effects of sugar.  They are also full of anti-oxidants.

Enjoy this smoothie in the steamy hot months, or when the cold weather has arrived and you are in need of a taste of summer.



  • 4 freshly squeezed limes
  • 1 avocado
  • 2  large handfuls of spinach
  • 2 scoops Vital Proteins Beauty Greens
  • 4oz coconut water
  • 4oz  filtered water



  • Using the Vitamix or a high-speed blender, pour filtered water(s) into the blender.
  • Add spinach and avocado first, and turn on low speed to puree.
  • Gradually increase the speed.
  • Add all remaining ingredients and blend until creamy
  • Add more water to achieve your desired consistency
  • Drink right away or pour into individual airtight mason jars or other airtight liquid container and refrigerate





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