Colleen is a truly amazing, passionate, knowledgeable, and genuinely cares about helping her clients live better healthy lives. 

Two words: LIFE CHANGING! I have had Ulcerative Colitis for 10+ years and recently had an awful flare-up earlier this year. I had lost over 30 lbs. and no medications were working. I was recommended to see Colleen, and my life changed instantly. 

She created a diet plan for me which seemed daunting at the time. However, the tools and guidance she provided were so positive and helpful that I 100% committed to sticking to the plan she created. Within a couple of days, I started seeing huge improvements and within 3 months all of my symptoms disappeared and I regained the 30 lbs. that I lost. 

I thought I was eating healthy before though there's so much we do not really know about what's in our food that we eat daily. I could not recommend Colleen highly enough. She literally saved my life. 
- Ryan M, Austin, TX

I began working with Colleen to cleanse and strengthen my body in preparation of tapering off a medication I'd been on for more than 20 years. I was also hoping she could help me improve the way I viewed food from both a psychological and nutritional perspective. From our initial phone call, Colleen has been encouraging and compassionate, and a vital part of my journey to improved health. She's shown me a different way to look at food and has helped me understand that it's not about what I can and cannot have, but about listening to what my body needs and providing it with the nutrients it craves. After only a few weeks of working together, I felt re-energized and my digestive issues began to subside. With Colleen's support and guidance, I have successfully transitioned off my medication and I haven't felt better! 
– Melissa G, Austin, TX

I learned so much from my meetings with Colleen and it's not just about nutrition either. We talked about controlling habits and even meditated together in an online group meeting. 

She has been a great support for all my questions. My health has improved so much in the past 2 months from Colleen's help and my meditation practices. 

If you're confused by all the info on food and diets out there today, then hire Colleen and she will help you get back to your natural health. Thanks again Colleen.
- Donavin, Austin, TX

As working professional with a vegetarian husband (who is a picky eater) and a toddler at home, our family often relied on a lot of processed foods that I knew weren't healthy. That's why I decided to look for a nutritionist who could help us learn a new way of eating that is healthy, picky husband and toddler friendly, and not terribly time consuming since I work full time. 

After doing some research and calling a few places, I decided to go with Colleen and I'm glad I did. Colleen helped me learn how to have a good balanced diet without relying on processed foods. She helped us identify foods that our body didn't respond well to so we could eliminate them, or at least limit them to special occasions (knowing the consequences). I learned how to listen to my body to know if I am not eating well and need to change things up. And beyond nutrition, she helped teach us how so many other things in your environment impact your health (plastic, stress, lack of sleep, etc.). Of course I could have found a lot of this is information online, and some of it I already knew. But, working with Colleen helped me focus and commit, helped me understand how it all pieces together, and helped me slowly build it into my daily routine so that it wasn't overwhelming. 

With Colleen's help, we learned a new, healthy way of living that is sustainable and she was a pleasure to work with along the way. Finally, I also lost 7 pounds over the 2 months we worked together without feeling like I was dieting (I still had dessert and was never hungry). This wasn't my primary goal or motivation, but I know it's important to some people so I thought I'd share. 
- Martha L, Ontario, CA 

Colleen has a gift for helping people get on a path of nutritional health, conquering hurdles and facing fears. She truly cares about people and has a realistic approach to revamping one's relationship with food. Her skills combine the knowledge and precision of a scientist with the patient understanding and open mindedness of a therapist as well as the empowering, inspiring attitude of a self-help guru. 
-Peter Q, Austin, TX

Colleen is a truly amazing, passionate, knowledgeable, and genuinely cares about helping her clients live better healthy lives, and I cannot thank her enough for that. It was a joy and a privilege to take this course, and when I begin to falter in my new found love of healthy foods, I will come right back to the source and take this program again to reset, learn something new, and get back on the right track.
- Nick L, TX

Colleen was referred to me by a colleague when I needed someone to send a patient of mine to. He was having digestive issues due to Ulcerative Colitis and had already lost a lot of weight. It was having a major impact on his life, and he needed more customized nutritional guidance than I could provide. Within a week of working with her, it had all turned around. I was so impressed with those results that I signed up as a client myself.

I enrolled in Colleen's 21 day RESTART program and it had a major impact on my eating habits and general health. It helped kick-start lifestyle changes that I hope to maintain. I was impressed with the personalized nature of the program and element of accountability. I've tried elimination diets and 30 day programs in the past, but this was much easier. Each week, there's a sample menu along with shopping list to follow and resources to adapt said menu to personal taste. Colleen is also able to tailor the menu to accommodate dietary restrictions such as veganism. Our weekly video conference meetings also helped keep me accountable and stick to the plan. There was a major educational component, with a different focus each week, that served to reinforce the dietary changes made along with my motivation. I cant understate how knowledgeable Colleen is, and what a great resource she is when it comes to any health issue and it's dietary component. By the end of the program, I was left wondering what the hell I had been doing beforehand... the answer being that I almost exclusively ate out.

Perhaps the biggest take away from RESTART was a rekindling of my enjoyment of preparing meals and cooking delicious food for both my fiancee and I to enjoy. The actual dietary part of the program only lasted 3 weeks, which anyone can do, but the changes I've made will last a lifetime.

"I participated in a Restart Program with Nutritional Zest. This program was awesome and a great value for what was provided.

It was 5 weeks long and I liked the format. We had a small group of people weekly on a video conference. It was cool to do this with a few people and not by myself.

There was weekly material provided that was very educational. I felt like I knew a lot about nutrition....definitely not the case. I learned several new things each week and really enjoyed the weeks learning about sugar and healthy fats.

In terms of the results from the program - I couldn't be happier. I felt completely awesome and healthy, slept better than ever, and the best thing for me was I had zero afternoon fog/fatigue. I always assumed me getting tired in the afternoon was because I have two kids under 4 who usually wake up at least once in the middle of the night. I never considered it was diet related.

This will adjust the way I eat going forward and I will continuously do Restarts at least yearly going forward. Whether you are already a healthy eater or starting from scratch, I highly recommend talking to someone at Nutritional Zest."
- Brian L, TX

"Coming into Colleen's RESTART program, I had never taken part in a formal diet before in my life. Then several months ago, I began having acid reflux issues, and I began searching high and low for a natural/holistic approach to solving my problem. A good friend and colleague told me about this program, and I signed up immediately, not knowing what to expect, but with an open mind. Upon meeting Colleen, and seeing the genuine passion she has for nutrition, and for improving the lives of her clients, I knew I had made the right choice. In the 5 video classes we had, I was never bored, and always fully engaged.

Yes, the first 3-5 days of cutting out certain foods from my diet was very difficult, but after I got over the initial hump, the experience of finally having a body working to its full potential was eye opening. I started to feel great, I had more energy during workouts, I slept better at night, was able to focus better at work, AND my personal recipe book grew exponentially. I was introduced to new foods, I cooked more, and prepared more meals in the three weeks of RESTART than I have the previous 12 months. Every single recipe that Colleen provided was absolutely delicious. Do not even get me started on the broccoli and ham frittatas!!

I also learned so much in the five video sessions. I found all the topics we covered super interesting, and have already taken my knowledge and shared it with anyone who will listen. HEALTHY FATS MAKE YOU THIN. #truestory. Fats (healthy) are not the enemy, they are very much your ally. Also, I will never look at any processed food the same ever again.

I just completed Colleen's program and I can't say enough positive things about my experience. I not only learned how and why I should eliminate sugar, but I also lost 5 lbs and really decreased the inflammation in my body. I don't think you realize how bad you actual feel, until you start feeling better and this was a result of this program. Definitely sign up and make a positive change in your life. Thanks again Colleen!"
- Ann-Marie, MA

"I've participated in more nutrition programs than I care to remember and yours is the first I've actually seen be empowering. Thank you for the way you show up, the care you offer and the consciousness you bring. It is clear you've done the personal work and you show up beautifully able to create a safe and trusting space. I am happy to recommend your program to others and will. I'd love for you and your life's work to be highlighted in Austin and beyond because it's so rare to find something informative, empowering and encouraging."
- Kate F, Austin, TX

“I’d been trying to lose weight for months. The Restart®Program helped me not just lose weight (finally) but change some bad habits. It taught me to be more aware of what I was eating and how to better balance my meals.”
- Robin P, Eagle River, AK

I just completed the Restart program and am very excited about what I have learned and accomplished. Colleen is a very well informed, caring leader and teacher. She helped me understand so much about how food affects my body. I love her expression, "Eat mindfully". I'm trying very hard to do that.

The five weeks flew by and while learning to eat better, I was never hungry. This is not a diet, it is a way of life that will not be hard to do. Though not a diet, I did lose weight!

The interaction with other members was very interesting and fun. We shared tips and recipes and were proud of one and another.

I recommend this class to anyone who is interested in healthy living and in enhancing your well being! I am a woman in my 60s and have learned that it's never too late to change and better myself!!
- Lynda F, NY

I participated in the RESTART program through Nutritional Zest and can't say enough good things about it. I learned more about nutrition and my body and how best to fuel it with healthy foods. Colleen is knowledgeable, motivating, authentic, and sincere. Having a network of support through our group calls and Facebook group was an added bonus. And I still reference my materials often! It wasn't hard to stick to the program (which says a lot, coming from me) and I felt the best I've felt in a long time.
- Jen T, CO

"I learned about Colleen's RESTART program and decided to give it a try. I figured, why not, I was trying to lose weight anyway and this couldn't hurt.

Well, what I got from the program was so much more than I thought going into it. First of all, Colleen facilitated a supportive 5-week journey for me and the other participants. We learned all about digestion, what sugar and fats do in your body, and were hand-held through a 3-week sugar detox.

Each week, Colleen sent educational materials, a food plan and even a shopping list, which was really helpful in preparing for the week ahead. Additional to the weekly video chat, Colleen made herself available to all participants via phone, email or text. We had a private group Facebook page where we could share experiences and recipes with one another.

So... What did I get out of RESTART? For a very nominal fee, here is my outcome:
1. I learned that by changing my diet in the way that Colleen suggested (very strict during the detox, but also limited consumption of certain foods in everyday life), that I am no longer bloated after a meal. I never feel full, just satisfied.
2. I learned to eat mindfully and gain a better appreciation of each meal vs. just rapidly eating meals without regard for what is going into my body.
3. I have more energy and feel mentally happier, which is great for everyone in my family!
4. I found a new way of life that makes me feel great!
5. I lost about 8 pounds in the three week detox!

Who am I? I'm a late-30s mother of two (3 and 6 years old) with a 40-50 hour/week job. I feared that I wouldn't have time for preparing all of these different meals, but that did not end up being the case at all. Colleen provided a lot of options and resources to make this a breeze. My family even enjoyed a lot of the things I made.

I whole-heartedly recommend this program and Nutritional Zest to anyone looking to improve their life."
- Jamie B, Arlington, VA

"RESTART was an awesome program. I was always interested in nutrition, which is the reason I signed up for the program in the first place. I learned so much about how our bodies process the food we eat. As a bonus for doing RESTART, I feel really, really great!"
- Gail L 

"I now understand what I need to heal myself and my family. This class changed my attitude towards food and health. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time, I highly recommend taking RESTART®.”
- Melissa M, Friendswood, TX

“I was surprised at how much sugar I was eating, and had how it was negatively affecting my body. RESTART® completely changed the way I look at food and how I feel about my body. I highly recommend this program!”
- Melanie S, Grass Valley, CA

“RESTART® gave me the tools to feel better, lose weight, increase energy, and best of all, the common sense of how we should be living and eating. Thank you for helping me make a difference in my life and my family."
- Susan O, Eugene, OR

"Approaching my 70th birthday, I never thought I could've changed my way of eating in just 3 weeks time. Colleen made this transition easier and more beneficial than I could've ever imagined"
- Marilyn P

I took Colleen's 5-week Restart program, and I couldn't be happier. The initial toxicity report I completed let me know that I needed a cleanse--and no lie, the first few days were brutal. I had a headache for three days and felt awful as my body detoxed from sugar, caffeine, dairy, and simple carbs.

However, from the fourth day forward I started feeling better. No more night sweats (I am getting to "that age" and have been dealing with them for a while). No more bingeing and starving. I felt full from the healthy fats and really enjoyed trying the new foods Colleen suggested.

The class itself was a great refresher--I have tried all sorts of diets and looked into all different approaches to nutrition, so this basically cemented what I already knew--eating natural, healthy foods mindfully leads to a healthy body. It is a fun, relaxed atmosphere that encourages questions and conversation, so you get to learn a lot.

The program is only five weeks, but I plan to stay up to date with Colleen my Restart buddies via her FB page and am going to keep moving forward with healthy eating!
- Kim M, Austin, TX

Fantastic program with a lot of support. It's not easy to commit to your health but Colleen made it easy (as possible) to stick to the plan. Feeling light, healthy and well rested was the best reward! Highly recommend!
- Tania, Woodside, NY

Colleen is great! Her support and presentation of the information were excellent. I learned a lot about elemental nutrition and how my body processes certain foods. I had more energy and I lost about 8 pounds over the course of the program! Having the weekly calls and Facebook group were great for group support. I highly recommend!
- Cat G, Austin, TX

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